Our Recipient Partners

We have a pipeline of 5 Recipient Partners that are currently being vetted. We will support either impactful non-profits or worthy individuals directly. We believe that all recipients will be a permanent, positive force in their communities for the long run. 

We are excited to support JUMPSTART and to initiate the Millennium Scholarship program. The AV Scholarship is currently in the vetting process.

“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time.”

Mother Theresa


Do prisoners and returning citizens even matter? While 33% of Americans have a criminal record of some variety, being sentenced to prison is something the majority of the population never experiences. Regardless of the crime or severity of punishment, we can all agree that when a prisoner is released,for their sake and ours, we should do everything we can to discourage them from re-offending. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to provide ex-prisoners with a way to re-integrate productively back into society. Providing structure, discipline, basic necessities, hope, and meaningful opportunities to those looking to make a change in their lives can pay huge dividends down the road.

JUMPSTART is a faith-based non-profit that works with current and former prisoners to help them re-enter society and thrive. The organization also works closely with the local community to provide stability upon a prisoner’s release, including by providing former prisoners with jobs and income. They have both in-prison and out-of-prison programs that follow a tried and tested curriculum and framework that have been proven to reduce the probability of ex-prisoners re-offending. JUMPSTART is based in Spartanburg, South Carolina and was incorporated in 2008.

JUMPSTART makes a huge difference. Out of JUMPSTART’s 3,500 released graduates, only 4% have re-offended. This compares to a ~22% South Carolina average and ~76% nationwide average. Currently, on average 1,000 prisoners enter the program each year with 40% completing it. JUMPSTART is currently in seventeen male and female prisons in South Carolina.

Because of their success, JUMPSTART has experienced increased demand for their housing transitional program. To meet this demand, JUMPSTART has successfully begun a new initiative that will provide 22 homes for up to 106 men and women to help them re-acclimate and thrive in society. One For Many is proud to partner with and support JUMPSTART South Carolina to help them expand their positive impact on the formerly incarcerated.
Prisoners in the federal and state prison system in the United States (year end 2020).
Prisoners released in 2020.
Percentage of released prisoners re-arrested within 3 years of release.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Most recent data available.


Millennium Scholarship Program

The Millennium Scholarship Program is an initiative started and overseen by the One For Many Co-Founders.  The program eventually hopes to provide multiple high school and college scholarships to worthy recipients from under-served communities. The first scholarship will be to provide for partial tuition, room and board for a selected student from Zimbabwe to attend Centre College in Danville, KY. A chance to study and possibly work in the United States could be life changing for most recipients given the condition of the economy and tertiary education in Zimbabwe.  

Centre College is a top liberal arts college founded in 1819. The school has been ranked #16 in the nation by US News & World Report for the best undergraduate teaching and has an average class size of 18. 85% of students study abroad at least once, ranking the school #3 in the nation by the Princeton Review. As a result, the student body is more diverse and internationalized (both because of their home country origin and their frequent study abroad), which makes Centre an unusually welcoming environment for international students.

Graduates of Centre are currently studying/have studied at top graduate schools in the US and the college guarantees an internship experience and 4-year graduation. Recipients of the Millennium Scholarship will be selected based on all around excellence, including academics, sports and community awareness.

How We Will Choose Millennium Scholarship Recipients


Anelia Vasileva Scholarship

Imagine losing your father and having a mother who cannot find work to support her family. While dealing with this, imagine being in high school studying hard to get good grades while also working part-time to support yourself and help your family.  Imagine going through all this as a child while dreaming of attending university, but not being certain if you will be able to afford it.

The AV Scholarship embodies what OFM stands for and is a non-profit Recipient Partner deserving of our support. It gives deserving and hardworking Bulgarian high school students the opportunity to get a medical degree at the Medical University at Plovdiv in Bulgaria.

The AV program focuses on disadvantaged young women who might be either orphaned or from widowed households and who are often not given the same opportunities as their male or wealthier peers.  The selection process incorporates both academic and personal criteria, including community awareness. Three women are currently enrolled in the program.  

Tuition and living expenses only cost $3,000 per student per year, affordable by our standards but very expensive in a country with an average GDP per capita 80% less than in the United States.

Founded in 1945, the Medical University of Plovdiv is a non-profit public higher-education institution accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria. It has a small student body (2,000-2,999 students), a selective admissions policy (admission rate of 10-20%) and a student-staff ratio of only 3:1.  The university offers bachelors degrees, masters degrees, and doctorates in several areas of study.  The university also provides international exposure for students, increasing their odds of finding employment upon graduation. The graduation rate in the masters degree (the focus of the AV Scholarship) is 82% (2017). The university provides a quality degree at an affordable price, in the poorest country in the EU which was why it was chosen for the AV Scholarship Programme.

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